Gateway Construction

Partnerships - Rubicon

Rubicon: Gateway Construction is an agent of Rubicon

What is Dust/Blokr

DUST/BLOKR® is specifically designed as a non-corrosive and environmentally friendly alternative to road salts, such as magnesium chloride and calcium chloride, offering superior road dust control results. DUST/BLOKR® is very cost-competitive with road salts, while being able to very effectively eliminate unwanted fugitive dust from unpaved roads of any soil type including gravel. It is also one of the only dust control products that is U.S. EPA Safer Choice Certified.

  • Cost competitive
  • Non-toxic, non-corrosive and environmentally friendly
  • Will not cause corrosion to equipment or vehicles
  • Longer lasting results than typical chlorides
  • Easily mixed, applied and maintained
  • Rejuvenates with moisture
  • Applicable to a wide range of road and material types
  • Improved engineering properties of roads treated
  • Certified to Boeing #D6-17487 Revision T (Airport Runway Approved)
  • S. EPA Safer Choice Certified


ROAD//STABILIZR® is a long-term solution for stabilizing roads that require continual maintenance due to wet weather and marginal road materials. ROAD//STABILIZR® targets soils with high clay content by increasing density and providing enhanced stability. Additional benefits include reduced swell and permeability, and increased CBR (California Bearing Ratio) values.

  • Unique catalytic product, developed to aid the workability, mixability, binding and compaction of clay-based materials
  • All-natural environmentally-friendly product
  • Cost-effective method for improving material strength and durability
  • Easy application through standard road building equipment
  • Induces cationic action, which binds dust particles together to help reduce road dust emissions

Long-term savings over product life cycle

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